About AHV
Self-determination in action
Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV) is an Aboriginal community organisation responsible for managing close to 2,000 rental properties for Aboriginal and /or Torres Strait Islander people living in Victoria.
Our vision is to ensure that Aboriginal Victorians secure appropriate, affordable housing as a pathway to better lives and stronger communities.
In addition to being the largest Aboriginal Registered Housing Agency in Australia, AHV is the lead agency for Victoria’s Aboriginal housing and homelessness policy, Mana-na woorn-tyeen maar-takoort. As the housing policy lead in the Aboriginal community, AHV has dual roles to hold the Government to account in securing the resources and reforms to implement the policy, while we support sector development to empower Victoria’s Aboriginal community to determine its chosen housing future.
AHV's housing services are targeted to those most in need of support. Through the provision of secure housing by an Aboriginal rental provider, AHV helps strengthen and maintain Aboriginal communities and cultural ties.
Aboriginal Housing Victoria is a proud member of the Victorian Aboriginal Executive Council (AEC). The AEC was established in 2018 to provide a self-determining collaboration, policy development and advocacy mechanism for Victoria’s peak, lead and state-wide Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations. For more information about the AEC, click here.
AHV is proud of the history and culture of the Aboriginal people of Victoria whom it serves.

Values and Objectives
- Respect and support for Aboriginal identity and culture and for its tenants and stakeholders
- Striving for excellence through its leadership in Aboriginal housing and best practice service delivery
- Integrity, trust and honesty in all our business activities
- Collaborative relationships with our community, tenants, government and stakeholders
- Kindness, compassion, courtesy and dignity in our relationships with our clients, stakeholders and each other.
That AHV will:
- be independent and financially viable
- provide efficient and effective housing services for Aboriginal people
- manage housing stock to ensure quality and affordability
- leverage its housing assets to maximize housing opportunities for Aboriginal people
- invest in a culturally and socially responsible manner.
- develop constructive and mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships within the housing, community and corporate sectors.
- develop best practice community and tenancy engagement.
- advocate for, influence and deliver improvements in Aboriginal housing and other outcomes
- maintain high standards of accountability, probity and transparency to tenants, clients, the Aboriginal community, Government and the public.