Doing Business with AHV

About AHV Procurement

Procurement is simply buying item/s that can include products, services and works with an extended view over the life of the items we buy. This may include:

  • Identifying need/s and building a business case to ‘buy’ an item;
  • Reaching the end-life of the item (such as contract expiration, certain assets reaching the end of useable life where it is not feasible to maintain or repair the assets);
  • Other costs associated with operating the item/s (such as fuel, service, maintenance, IP cost, resources/expertise and more);
  • The disposal cost (this includes landfill cost, auction cost, proceeds for sale and transition cost such as IT application and more)

Whether you are a small, medium or large organisation, we want to work with you if it is believed your services will benefit our clients, and / or provide value for money to Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV).

AHV applies the core procurement principles when buying goods, services or works. These include:

  • Value for money
  • Probity of ensuring ‘Good Ethical Practice’, guided by the principles of:
    • Honesty
    • Confidentiality
    • Fairness
    • Transparency
    • Accountability
  • Social Procurement that will benefit Aboriginal Community or Businesses
  • Risk Management

What do I need to do to be one of the suppliers to AHV  

We have the following arrangements in place to assist with the procurement of goods and/or services: 

  • Pre-qualified Contractor – established via a Public Tender or closed quotation process and assessed as having the technical ability and resources to deliver the goods/services or work.

It is either as type of a Panel, in which separate quotations may be requested for specified services, or as a Sole contractor, to deliver over a specific period or time. Examples include capital works or IT services.

  • Preferred Contractor Arrangements – established through a Public Tender Process or through Direct Solicitation due to frequency, volume of goods and/or services basis, or if better value for money can be attained. 

Once the arrangement is awarded, the successful Contractor will be engaged for that activity for the duration of the contract; however, quotations may be requested depending on the terms and conditions of the specified agreement. 

AHV encourages doing business with organisation/s that has direct linking or membership with entities that promote Aboriginal and disadvantages businesses or communities, including:

Supply Nations


Social Traders

Also, AHV can engage the market by collaboration through various open arrangements, provided the vendor is a registered entity, including:

Procurement Australia


AHV may call for tenders to test the market, to comply with its Procurement Policy, or as part of a funding requirement. Tenders are then publicly released via Tenderlink.

Full information and documentation in relation to tenders are available on Tenderlink, which is AHV's online tendering system. Please ensure to register your business details to receive future opportunities.


Important Information and Documents for Current and Future Contractors

AHV thrives as a transparent and growing organisation, and we want to ensure positive competition and agility when working with current and future contractors.

Contractors need to be aware of our core guiding documents regarding procurement and contract management.

AHV Procurement Policy

\AHV Contract Management and Administration Policy *** Under Review ***

AHV Contractor’s Code of Conduct


Purchase Order Terms and condition

The following documents contain the Work Order (WO) or Purchase Order (PO) terms and conditions:

Purchase Order (Goods and Works)

Procurement Planning

Current and Future Contracts (Pre-Qualified Contractors) list

**** Under Development ****


Contact Procurement


If you have any procurement questions, please feel free to reach us on: