Aboriginal Housing Victoria supports Constitutional Recognition and The Voice to Parliament


There is a long and proud history in Victoria of Elders and community members coming together to fight for our rights and improve the lives of Aboriginal peoples.

We stand on the shoulders of the giants who built our organisation and allowed it to become what it is today.

As  an Aboriginal organisation committed to improving the lives of our people and ensuring that every Aboriginal person has a home, AHV believes that publicly supporting Constitutional recognition of First Nations Peoples and The Voice to Parliament, honours the work of those who have come before us.

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is effectively the ‘Voice to Parliament’ in Victoria, and AHV strongly supports the progress that has been made towards  Treaty in Victoria. Support for The Voice to the Commonwealth Parliament is therefore the next step towards reconciliation and rectifying the ongoing effects of colonisation and dispossession.

AHV supports The Voice to Parliament on the basis that it:

  • does not cede sovereignty;
  • does not stop, or in any way limit the progress of Treaty negotiations;
  • will be part of a broader restorative approach, including Truth telling and Treaty; and
  • will allow the voice of Aboriginal peoples to be heard, rather than be silenced or ignored.

Successive colonial authorities and State, Territory and Commonwealth Governments have been responsible for legislation, policies and executive actions, that have directly and indirectly, and intentionally or unintentionally, resulted in historical wrongs and injustices to Aboriginal peoples. These laws, policies and executive actions have generally been established with little or no regard for the views and experiences of Aboriginal peoples.

Aboriginal peoples do not share equally in the wealth of this nation, nor do they share equal health, social and economic status. The connection between the disadvantage that Aboriginal people experience today and the past acts of government and treatment of Aboriginal peoples cannot be denied.

We consider The Voice to Parliament to be an important step towards Self-determination for Aboriginal peoples, while recognising that there is still much to be done. However, no change to the Constitution means the perpetuation of a   failed system for First Nations Peoples across Australia.

While AHV is publicly supporting The Voice to Parliament, it is not our intention to attempt to influence our renters, or other Aboriginal community members on how they should vote on this issue. Nor is it our role to outline the arguments for a “yes” or “no” vote.

There are mixed, confusing, and even false messages circulating about The Voice to Parliament. AHV is therefore committed to supporting our renters and other Community members to access accurate, culturally safe, and impartial information. We want our renters to be able to actively participate in the referendum process in an informed way. A referendum that we believe will have a significant impact on current and future generations of Aboriginal peoples in Australia.