Privacy Policy

1. Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to outline the practices adopted by Aboriginal Housing Victoria (AHV) for the management of personal information. It is designed to give individuals an understanding of the types of personal information AHV collects, and how it is used, stored, disclosed and able to be accessed.

The policy also outlines how individuals can correct their personal information which is held by AHV, how to make a complaint about a possible breach of privacy, and how complaints will be handled.

To promote transparency and ease of access to information on AHV services, AHV policies are publicly available and can be accessed via AHV's website at

Individuals who would like to request a copy of this policy in an alternate form, for example suitable for the vision impaired, or individuals with limited English literacy, may do so by contacting our Privacy Officer. , AHV will take reasonable steps to provide the policy in an appropriate form.

AHV's Privacy Policy - Download

Policy Log

Policy history:
This policy was approved by the AHV Board in August 2024

Approved by:
AHV Board

Version 4.0

Policy creation date:
April 2015

Review due: